The dog license is an official document which is intended to prove dog-handling competency and affords your dog additional off-leash freedom in Berlin.
Rental Laws in Germany
Banning pets outright is not allowed, however the process of getting them approved is also a grey area.
Essential Info: Dog Ownership in Berlin
A general overview of the rules and regulations all dog owners living in Berlin should know.
English-Speaking Vets and Pet Services in Berlin & Brandenburg Area
English-speaking pet services in Berlin and surrounds that have been
Berlin Vet & Tax Costs
Is there still a dog tag for tax?
No, the
White Powder Confirmed To Be Poison
White powder sightings have occurred inside the city since 2022. Always inform the police (dial 110) and stay until they arrive.
Emergency Vet List: Berlin & Brandenburg
An English language overview of the veterinary clinics in Berlin and the surrounding region, along with their opening hours.
Digitalization in the Pet Industry
Germany as a whole is not the most digitalized society - well below average when compared to its EU peers - and the pet industry is no exception.
Nutrition: Facts & Myths
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German Public Transport
Travelling with dogs on public transport in Germany has a sort of interesting bureaucratic charm to it. In most European countries, there is a fairly simple system: dogs either travel for free or there is a dog ticket for every situation.