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Weight Gain Recipes

Weight Gain Recipes
Photo by Clark Douglas / Unsplash

Three high fat recipes to help your dog gain weight or maintain their weight during extended periods of high intensity exercise. Be sure to leave out any ingredients known to be problematic for your dog, and make sure that the weight loss is not caused by medical issues.

Put all ingredients into a large bowl and mix together. Roll into one inch balls and freeze. Depending on the size of your dog, you can feed one (or more) ball(s) per day together with its regular meal. Feel free to add or substitute any ingredients as you see fit!

#1 Satin Balls

  • 500g raw minced meat
  • 300g oats
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 300g wheat germ
  • 1/2 jar of peanut butter (unsalted, and make sure without xylitol!)

#2 Grain-Free Satin Balls

  • 1kg raw minced meat
  • small container of heavy cream
  • 1 package cream cheese
  • 12 egg yolks

#3 Healthy Satin Balls

  • 1 pint of whole fat cottage cheese
  • 500g of raw ground meat
  • 3 eggs (boiled in the shell for 30 seconds to denature the whites)
  • 2 table spoons of olive oil
  • 1 can of sardines / tuna / salmon (or raw fresh equivalent)