Living on the Wild Side of Van Life

Living on the Wild Side of Van Life
Photo by Marc Ruaix / Unsplash

With the rising cost of living expenses worldwide and a growing distaste for the thought of being locked into long-term rental agreements and mortgage payments, greater numbers of people are choosing more mobile forms for their home residence. From multi-room RVs and converted "Skoolie" busses to smaller car camping and cargo van conversions, "van life" has become a more cost-efficient way to own your own home without the worry of land taxes or monthly rent payments.

According to "van life" stats on, "as of 2019, it was estimated that over 140,000 people were living in a van or other vehicles" and additionally that "pets accompany about 40% of van lifers." Though van lifers on social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram can make living in a van with their partners and/or pets look easy, a well-planned van set up and emergency backup plans are necessary in helping keep both you and your furry friends safe and comfortable on your adventures!

When starting van life with your pets, making sure both you and your fur babies are going to be safe and comfy is top priority! Include comfortable spots for your cat(s) or dog(s) to lay en route when you're traveling down the highway and in case the road should get bumpy, always verify that anything in your van that could move or fall over while you're driving is locked securely in place to avoid any accidents or injuries. If you're bringing your cat or smaller dog on your van life adventures, having smaller hiding places for them to lay in safely and comfortably is helpful especially if your pet has any anxiety when traveling.

One big concern for pet owners who are beginning the transition to living as a full-time van lifer, is what to do when nature calls. RV and camping toilets are great for humans but not so great for our furry friends! While generally our pet pooches can potty outside, taking them out on the leash is not always feasible or recommended in the darkness of the early morning hours or if you're camping in cold or inclement weather. Having pet potty pads on hand to lay on the floor of your van overnight can help prevent any major accidents or clean ups before your dog's morning walk.

Cats in Vans

A clean place for your cat to potty is an obstacle for all of the van lifers with cats out there as well, because sleeping next to an open litter box is not fun! Having a secured container to store your cat's litter box is the best way to keep your van smelling good and prevent the box from sliding around the living space of your van. Keep the opening for your cat to get in and out of closer to the ground for ease of access and to prevent the smell from rising too much. Including a hinged top to the cat box container will help when it's time to scoop the litter as well.

Don't party foul the pet food! Having a locking or latching container for your pet's kibbles 'n bits while on the road will help prevent spills and messes but be sure to take breaks during long trips so you and your pet can both get a snack and a drink! We know Nature can be very unpredictable, so having your cat or dog harness and/or leash trained is also an important part of keeping your beloved pet safe while living the van life. In case of any emergencies its always better to have a preparedness plan in place, better safe than sorry!

Van life is not the easiest way to live and it's not for everyone, but the sights you see and the communities you meet make every day worthwhile. The van life community is a respectful and welcoming space for all of the free spirited and our furry friends too!

Statistic Information Collected From: Instagram, Outbound Living, USA Today and The New York Times located in the article